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- Bachelor of Fashion Design -



Emily is a third year Bachelor of Fashion (Design) student who has been involved in the creative industry for over 7 years. Through her education she has explored creative areas from fine art and graphic design to fashion and marketing. She draws inspiration from her traditional Vietnamese heritage as well as the modern world around her. With the aim of continuing to tackle the social construction of gender from within her culture. She strives to apply her knowledge and research to create art and fashion with a progressive outlook on our modern society, whilst upholding sustainable values and practices. Her work explores a combination of both streetwear and formal wear for men and women. Through the practice of up-cycling and use of natural dyes and fibres she aims to minimise her environmental impact. Ultimately Emily's work focuses on celebrating the past by producing new dynamic meanings to her pieces.


Selected Clients

D Magazine

The Beach

Fruit App

"Tiger from Timbuktu"by John Warren

"Tulip Bay" by Emily Brown

Hansen Fashion

Paper News

Latest Exhibitions


Illustration Home Gallery

San Fransisco


Fefe Gallery



Delicate Art Gallery


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